The film follows Oliver Davis, a man who finds himself trapped in the monotonous routine of work, eating and sleeping, leaving him disillusioned and isolated. His only escape is through VR simulations, where he loses himself in fantasies that blur the boundaries between Virtual and Reality.
Amidst his growing obsession with these digital worlds, the kindness and warmth of his coworker, Gal Ritchie, emerge as a rare source of normalcy. However, as Oliver's fixation deepens, Gal, unaware of his infatuation, becomes an idealized figure in his mind - representing the life he desperately longs for but feels slipping further away as his realities collide.
The film features a stellar cast, including Gal Ritchie, Oliver Davis, Dee Williams, Tommy Pistol, Lucky Fate, and Vanessa Sky, each bringing depth and nuance to their roles in this gripping narrative.
It was a lot of fun shooting this movie for Pure Taboo. Oliver and Tommy deliver a terrific performance and complement Gal perfectly. I can't wait for the Adult Time fans to discover this long-time-due feature for Pure Taboo.
Look for Greenwood’s Simulation, a Pure Taboo Film, via and on the streaming network, where members enjoy access to more than 64,000 premium scenes, 445 channels and 8 new releases per day - of Adult Time’s award-winning brands.