This highly anticipated project follows the tremendous success of Little Puck’s July debut for the studio, Boobs Bombs and Monsters, where the adventurous performer played an agent on a dangerous mission to infiltrate a monster's lair and plant a bomb, whose escape is thwarted when a giant tentacle ensnares her, pulling her into a suspenseful and surreal sequence that’s got to be seen to be believed.

I am so excited to be going back to Budapest to work with Hentaied again! My first experience on the set with director Roberto Di Suna for Boobs Bombs and Monsters was so wild and so rewarding.
- Little Puck

“It was six days straight, long hours, and while filming the final epic two-day shoot for Boobs Bombs and Monsters I was naked and shivering slathered in fake cum, so this lovely PA held my feet to her chest to warm me up while I was inside a prop tunnel. The crew literally tore up the floor and put a heating pad down so I could be more warm while I was getting blasted with cum and filled with tentacles. They were awesome!

“I learned about at least five different types of tentacles - two that were inside of me at once! It was intense! Finally seeing the finished product, I was so in awe at how it came together! I would say that this scene is one of my favorites because it was such a technical challenge and incredibly physically demanding, I’m just so proud of myself, yeah, it was very challenging but so rewarding and I can't wait to do it all again!