The show features several contestants - or ‘bators’ - embarking upon a variety of stimulating challenges, in their quest to earn the most votes for the coveted title of ‘Master Bator’, with the winner announced at the show’s live finale on June 5, 2024. This season is hosted by BateOff! 2023 winner Colby Jaxxx . This year’s winner will take home a $1500 grand prize and the chance to be featured on the home page.
After two explosive episodes , the bators are tasked to create a sizzling hands-on promo for the premiere masturbation lubricant, Bator Balm . Not only the presenting sponsor of this season, they’re heavily featured throughout the show and now star as an integral part of the competition.
“Witness these contestants elevate their bate ecstasy in this week’s episode. Grab a jar and experience it for yourself,” says Alex, creator of Bator Balm “I’m boned to contribute to this challenge and am a proud sponsor of the show.”
“We love Bator Balm and their support of the bator community, offering products that last long and always leave you satisfied.” says Milking CØACH , a producer of the This talented and sexy group of competitors include Adam Chase (30), from Utah; Artificis (32), from Chile; Dean Eros (33), from Southern California; Raunchy Sag (32), from Florida; and XY BK Bry (37) from New York.
The Great BateWorld BateOff! episodes are free to BateWorld members, who can vote for their favorite competitor as each episode airs. Who will take the top prize? Find out at and follow on X @BateWorld and Instagram @bateworld_official .