Written and directed by Jeffrey John Hart, Hopeless explores a deeper intimacy from unexpected places when two close friends become even closer after a devastated Casey forms a profound bond with Lumi on the heels of a painful breakup.
is nominated for:
* Best Featurette
* Best Actress-Featurette for Lumi Ray
* Best Screenplay-Featurette for Jeffrey John Hart and Kyle McQueen
* Best Cinematography for Jeffrey John Hart
* Best Girl/Girl Sex Scene for Casey Calvert & Lumi Ray
* Best Music
“I'm thrilled by the acknowledgement from AVN with these six nominations, and deeply appreciative of our talented cast and crew whose dedication made this amazing achievement possible - in particular, Jeff for bringing this story together from beginning to end,” said Randall. “Thank you all so much!”
Watch at HollyRandallPhotography.com/hopeless-film and Hollyrandall.com .
Find and follow Holly Randall at HollyLinks.com and Jeffrey John Hart at JeffreyJHart.com