Snow stars as Master Snow, with White as a newly inducted Apprentice, Noah, who is captivated by their first meeting. From the description of their MasonicBoys scene: “I was caught off guard by his rugged handsomeness, his muscular body and neatly-cropped beard… exactly the sort of guy I found dangerously intriguing. He began to touch me in ways which made me gasp uncontrollably. If this is how it feels to be part of The Order, I hereby dedicate my entire life to it!”

“We are so pleased to welcome Adam Snow and Noah White to Carnal Media as exclusive performers, and the pairing of ‘Snow/White’ for MasonicBoys, with such an incredible, intense chemistry between them, was just too good to be true,” said company founder Legrand Wolf, who owns the premium gay film brand with his husband Jay Wolf. “We promise you that this is one episode in a series you do not want to miss!”

MasonicBoys captures the stories and experiences of young ‘initiates’ as they are brought into a secret organization known as The Order. Through character-driven narratives, each boy’s story follows their journey from initiation to ordination by insemination as they are inducted into the elusive sex cult.

Carnal Media, highlighting the fever dreams of erotic fantasy with its premium selection of first-class content through the award-winning Carnal Plus network, is presently the industry’s fastest-growing brands, thanks to its fresh-faced talent exclusives, established stars, envelope-pushing content including taboo themes, and genuine enthusiasm for making quality films - more than 14 sites and 4,300 videos - that inspire fans to come - again and again.

For more information about Carnal Media and Carnal Plus, The World’s Best Gay Porn Network, visit and follow on Twitter @RealCarnalPlus .