“Once upon a time, I was on a date and he took me to Buffalo Wild Wings ; we thought it would be funny to try their Blazin’ Carolina Reaper wings, and it seemed like a good idea at the time,” said Starfall of her dinner, which she confirms was indeed ‘blazing’.
“Afterwards, we went back to his place and decided to play around. As he licked my pussy, it felt so warm and nice, but then I felt a stronger heat sensation on my clit. Oh no. My English wasn’t great at the time, so I didn’t know how to describe this intense, searing sensation. I kept telling him, "You're hot, its hot, you're hot!
“Now he's thinking I’m giving him a breathless praise about his oral skills, but NO - I’m trying to say that it's HOT - like it’s seriously burning down there! I had to just push his head away from me and pour cold water over my pussy… we actually put ice on it. It took him a minute, but he finally figured it out: ‘Oh ok, I thought you were just complimenting me and saying that I’m hot.
“After an hour or so, my burning loins were calmed… and a very important lesson was learned that day! But my story ends with a little friendly revenge; you know I had to get him back! So one night I cut fresh jalapenos, and even though I washed my hands, my spiciness was still on me. I gave him a handjob that he to this day will never forget!
“And by the way, a shout out to Buffalo Wild Wings… their blazin’ hot wings were definitely blazin’!”